Why our clinic

Dental treatment
Warranty for all types of work
Dental treatment
The staff speaks several languages
Dental treatment
A full range of treatment and aesthetics services
Dental treatment
Modern equipment and cleanliness in the clinic
Dental treatment
Free consultation
Dental treatment
We use only high-quality and original materials

Quality dental treatment

Dental treatment
In our clinic, we strive to create coziness and comfort for every patient

In addition, prices for treatment in Turkey can be more affordable for foreign patients than in other countries/  Also many clinics offer a personalized approach to each patient and guarantee high quality treatment.<

Our works

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Yes, combining holiday and dental treatment in Turkey is quite possible and even popular among medical tourists. Many dental clinics are located in resort towns or near beaches, which creates excellent conditions for combining dental treatment with a holiday at the sea or visiting attractions.

Patients can choose a convenient schedule of dental appointments so that they have enough time for rest and relaxation. Some clinics also offer special "rest + treatment" packages, which include not only dental procedures, but also various types of outdoor activities or excursions.

 Having dental treatment in Turkey can be not only an effective and comfortable experience, but also an opportunity to enjoy a pleasant holiday and new experiences.

 You do not need to know Turkish to get dental treatment in Turkey. Many dental clinics in tourist areas of the country have staff who speaks English or other foreign languages to communicate with foreign patients. You can also check with the clinic about the availability of a translator before your trip for treatment.

 Also, medical staff in Turkey are usually professional in dealing with foreign patients, providing all necessary information about procedures, diagnoses and recommendations in an understandable language. 

The cost of dental treatment can depend on several factors, including:

1 Type of procedure: Different dental procedures have different complexity and require different amounts of time and materials, which affects their cost.

2 Materials used: The quality and type of materials used (e.g. ceramics, composites, metal) can also affect the price of treatment.

3. Clinic level: The cost of services may vary depending on the level of the dental clinic, its reputation, equipment and staff qualifications..

4. Additional services: For example, the use of sedation or anesthesia for procedures may increase the total cost of treatment.

When choosing a dental clinic for dental treatment, it is important to get acquainted with the price list for services and additional costs in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Dental treatment abroad can have its own risks and dangers that are important to be aware of:

  1. Quality of services: Not all dental clinics abroad meet high standards of quality and safety. It is important to choose accredited and recommended clinics with a good reputation.
  2. Language barrier: Lack of language comprehension can lead to misunderstanding of instructions or recommendations from the doctor, which can affect the outcome of treatment.
  3. Warranty terms and conditions: You should carefully review the warranty terms and conditions before treatment to ensure that you can receive free correction or retreatment if necessary.
  4. Duration of treatment: Dental treatment abroad may require several trips to complete the procedures, which will increase the costs of transport and accommodation.
  5. Post-treatment problems: If complications arise after treatment abroad, it may be more difficult to seek help or receive further care.

When planning dental treatment abroad, it is important to prepare thoroughly, choosing a reliable clinic with experienced specialists and considering all possible risks and peculiarities of this approach.

Сергей Фролов
Небольшая, современная, уютная клиника. Делал чистку раза 3, штук 10 пломб, все на высшем уровне. Стоматологи как рыбы в воде и приятные люди сами по себе. Местный хирург вырезал кисту на внутренней части губы. Операция прошла быстро, качественно и безболезненно. Хирург чуткий и профессиональный.
Julie Baker
Thanks to Dr. Ümran Tataroğulları for the painless treatment. I didn't even feel the removal of my wisdom tooth. All appointments were pleasant and painless 🥰
Yulyana Lunina
Бесконечная благодарность и преклонение перед профессионализмом врачей данной клиники, а в частности главного врача стоматолога Ибрагима Туркера, который воплотил мою мечту, об идеальной улыбке, в реальность.
Nika Navi
Очень рекомендую эту стоматологию. В клинике невероятно вежливое и уважительное отношение, безупречный интерьер, новое совершенное оборудование. Главный врач Ибрагим свободно говорит по-английски. Консультация и осмотр бесплатны. Услуги клиники: лечение, имплантация, ортодонтия, отбеливание, рентген/МРТ и т.д. Разумные цены.
Maria Maria
Большое спасибо клинике и лично доктору Ибрагиму за белоснежную улыбку. Тут же на месте сделали рентген, вылечили два зуба, провели чистку от зубного камня. Маме заказали зубной протез. Все аккуратно и безболезненно! В клинике говорят по-русски, что очень важно!
Mikail Panfilov
Замечательная клиника и самый прекрасный доктор - Айше Меджек и ее помощник Иляйда. Очень внимательные, очень аккуратные. Я доволен и рекомендую всем!
Nicole Stewart
English (UK)
Excellent clinic, delicate attitude towards children and adults, professionalism. Doctors speak English fluently
Yiğit Akgül
Bu diş hekimliğini şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum. Klinik inanılmaz derecede kibar ve saygılı bir tutuma, kusursuz bir iç mekana, yeni ve gelişmiş ekipmanlara sahiptir. Başhekim İbrahim akıcı İngilizce bilmektedir. Danışma ve muayene ücretsizdir. Klinik hizmetleri: tedavi, implantasyon, ortodonti, beyazlatma, röntgen/MRI vb. Makul fiyatlar.
Burak Balcı
Küçük, modern, şirin bir klinik. 3 kere, yaklaşık 10 dolum, hepsi en üst seviyede temizledim. Diş hekimleri sudaki balıklar gibidir ve kendi hallerinde hoş insanlardır. Yerel bir cerrah dudağın iç kısmındaki kisti kesti. Operasyon hızlı, kaliteli ve ağrısızdı. Cerrah duyarlı ve profesyoneldir.
Vadim Rozumnyy
Хотел бы поделиться своим положительным отзывов о лечение зубов в клинике "Summer Dental" в Алании. Особенно очень хороший специалист там работает доктор Айше(AYŞE MECEK). Я лечил 3 зуба от кариеса. Всё было сделано на высшем уровне.👌👍🤗 Доктор приятная и внимательная. Профессионал своего дела.👌 Всем советую.
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Cikcilli Mahallesi, 108. Sokak, No:1/1
Alanya / Antalya